Volunteer Management Activity – Part 2 webinar held April 2018

Transcript for Volunteer Management Activity Part 2 webinar

Welcome to part two of the introduction to the Data Exchange report Volunteer Management Activity. My name is Brendan Duncan and I’ll be taking you through this training session today.

This training presentation should take about 90 minutes, including any questions that you may. If you have any questions that need following up, we will do that after the session and distribute to everyone.

Before we begin, I’d like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land who we meet on today and pay our respects to their elders past and present.

Throughout the webinar, remember there is a control panel that you should have appear on your screen. Remember to check your sound and your microphone symbol will be red to indicate that your audio is muted. Please ensure that your audio is muted, otherwise, we might overhear you talking or chatting throughout the webinar.

When the webinar isn’t being used for a period of time, it will automatically minimise from view to expand the panel again, simply click on the orange arrow and this will then bring it back up, so then you can start entering any questions that you may have for us.

Today’s agenda, we will just have a quick recap of last week’s part one presentation. I will then take you through the data quality and why data quality is important. I’ll also take you through and have a look at the different reports that are available and also provide you some little hints and tricks of the functionalities of those reports. Once again there are opportunities throughout this webinar to ask questions and I do have with me today, Andrew and Jeff who will be answering those questions for you.

So just a quick recap from Part One. The Data Exchange not only focuses on outputs such as how many sessions and clients, but also outcomes. So what are your clients achieving by accessing your services. We also have three handouts for you. We have the presentation that we have here that I’m going through now, Appendix B and also our Data quality fact sheet. You can have a look at those and print them off if you wish as well. You may recall the Getting started guide from part one which we spoke about accessing training material, obtaining your AUSkey, and taking a look at how you reports will be in on time.

There are two reporting periods through the year for the Data Exchange. The first goes from 1st January to 30th June and the second from 1st July to 31 December. Now we do have an extra 30 days at the end of these to finalise your data and just make sure that everything is lined up, etc. It is important for you to upload your data on a regular basis, it will make your life so much easier when you’re checking the data and not leaving it to the last minute and running around etc. trying to get the data in on time. With the reports that you will see, the data is updated every 24 hours, so when you put the data in at 3 o’clock today at 3 o’clock tomorrow that data will be available for you. It is it is very, very quick in that respect.

Data quality, so we’ll run through the importance of data quality. So what do we mean when we talk about data quality? We need to ensure that the data is uploaded and entered into the Data Exchange, is of good quality, is accurate, and is checked and updated regularly. If you have accurate and quality data, it then provides your organisation with a true reflection of what is being achieved by the services that you are delivering. It will also provide you with evidence of what is working and what isn’t working, and highlights if you are servicing the right client age group etc. It will also provide a strong foundation of solid data to make decisions and support future growth and implementation of incentives that you may have. Accurate and quality data will also provide strong evidence to support your grant and funding agreement milestones and performance indicators. It also empowers organisations through the self-service reporting capabilities. You can go in at any time and check your data by the reports; update it and monitor your progress.

To assist organisations in updating and correcting any errors or any data anomalies, we have developed a fact sheet titled the Importance of data quality. It is on our Data Exchange website under the Policy guidance tab and you just scroll down and there will be the Importance of data quality heading and this contains the Top 10 items of data quality checks, why they are important and what the consequences are of poor data. Let’s now just have a quick look at the correct date of births.

The document will explain why a correct date of birth is required where possible, and what the dangers are of an unrealistic date of birth. It can then skew the dates of a client cohort or program and this could affect then all the data collected for that program and affect the organisation in meeting the grant or funding agreements.

I’ve placed a copy of this in the handouts of the webinar so you can download the fact sheet from here today during the session or visit the website directly on the previous slide.

Some key points on reports. Data that you record in the data is the data that you will see. So what you put is what you will get out. Quality in equals quality out. It is only as accurate as you make it. Try to reduce the instances on ‘Not stated’ if appropriate, as these are missed opportunities to collect and record information. When we demonstrate the reports show I’ll you how to identify this.

A session must be recorded within the reporting period for it to display in reports. If you create clients and cases but not sessions, these will not display in the reports and once a reporting period is closed you can’t go back and amend any session details for that period. You can update and amend client and cases information throughout the life of your grant agreement.

You also only see information for outlets and programs that you have been attached to in the Data Exchange by your Data Exchange organisation administrator. It is important to check your data regularly and also check your reports and maintain your data. Fix it as soon as you can before the end of reporting period. You don’t need to ask your funding agreement manager about this as this is something you can check for yourselves throughout those reports.

So remember that you can update your client records at any time. This includes first and last name, gender, Indigenous or disability status, addresses, and country of birth, main language spoken at home. These are not restricted to a reporting period.

You can only update sessions information, such as when it was held, what activity was delivered at the session and who attended, during the relevant reporting period. So when that reporting period is closed it’s too late, you can’t update it outside of the reporting period.

You cannot break the reports so go in and explore them, see what you get out of them etc. The Reports Reading Guide on the Data Exchange reports, and the task cards can assist you with what reports are and how you can use any of the functions in there.

The next step is accessing the reports. So how do you go in and access reports? Log into the Data Exchange and then down the bottom you see a ‘Go’ button, in the ‘Access myDEX’ reports area. Again, report permissions mirror the permissions that you currently hold. So if you are unable to see an outlet or an activity within your organisation, that is information that you will see in the reports, you will then just have to contact your (Data Exchange) organisation administrator and just get them to update your permissions within the Data Exchange itself.

So once you’ve clicked that button you then come to the next page which will give you the two options. So with the two options you’ll see there is the Standard and the Partnership Approach reports. If your organisation has not opted in the Partnership Approach then the Partnership Approach tile would be greyed out and not accessible.

So the reports that are available. The first two on the screen are the Organisation Overview report and the Organisation Data Quality report. The Organisation overview report provides a summary view of an organisation’s service delivery including service types, outlets, session attendance, and client demographics.

The Organisation data quality report highlights key data quality issues to assist organisations to improve or maintain data quality. This report shows data quality changing over time and varies across outlets. The report also provides detailed listing of client and session records with quality concerns to assist organisations to improve the data.

The next lot of reports you can see down the bottom; the Resource Planning, Service Footprint, Client Outcomes, and Community Profiles report. These four reports are linked to the Partnership Approach reports. So if you’re in the Partnership Approach you will get this extra suite of reports.

The Resource Planning report provides a sophisticated overview of the trends in service delivery to assist organisations in business planning and demonstrates to funding agencies the peaks in service delivery. This will help you when you are trying to plan some extra resources, etc. and you can see the trends etc. of what is going on within your organisation.

The next report you can see is the Service Footprint report. This shows how clients are engaging with services in a map form, which we have made available at a program activity level in aggregate form. This will show you where clients are coming from, and how far away they’re coming to access your services or even how far you are going to see them.

The next report is the community Profiles report. This report offers key measures that can inform the profile of the community. This report has a wealth of national data in one accessible report. You can explore a selection of topics at national, state or local level. The data will come from a variety of datasets such as the national Census data are and SEIFA data in there and a few other extra areas that we have collected some extra data from.

The other report is the Client Outcomes or SCORE. The SCORE report is the first of a series of reports that will be released providing outcome-based information as part of the Partnership Approach. It shows in an aggregate view the clients journey within the SCORE domains just satisfaction, goals and circumstances within an organisation. The release of this report was exciting and we hope that through the release process of the SCORE report, it will build on users knowledge and why recording outcomes and quality data is important.

So what I will do now is pause the screen and I’m just going to go to the reports and I’ll show you the Organisation Overview report, Data Quality report and also the Community Profiles report and Client Outcomes report.

Publishers note: Please be aware that this recording has a silent pause from 16:22 minutes to 17:27 minutes.

Okay thank you very much for your patience there. I have just gone into the Organisation Overview report. Now we are in a training environment. So all the data you see in here all fictional so there is no real data in this report at all. As you can see here we have what we call ‘sheets’. We have 11 sheets across the page. What we can do is we can then go into these and to see how our data is going and how sessions etc. going.

We will go into the ‘Client Attendance and Sessions’ page first. Now the first page will show you any of your client and support persons, your sessions and once it finishes loading, it will also show you your cases and your sessions. It will give you your average sessions per client, your average client per case and then your average sessions per case as well. We can then click on a reporting period. We will go and select 2016 2017 and you can see straight away that the graph is already changed. It’s very interactive. The reports we use, they are very fast depending on your Internet access, of course. They are very quick and that’s why it is important for you to make sure that your data is up-to-date.

You can go through and you can have a look at how you are going, down the bottom you can see your session attendance, it will give it to you month by month. The different colours are; your individual is that dark purple, and then if you do have any group client attendance that will be in the light blue, and support people will be in a darker green colour. If you hover over a particular month can see that it will give you a breakdown and you can just have a look at those make sure that you are on target.

Up in the top right-hand corner. You can also scroll through your sheets in different ways you can select the arrow button to go down and it will give you your sheets or you can just select the arrow left and right and that will go through the sheets that way.

What we can also look at here is we can look at the Organisation Summary report. This will give you your outlets, state that they’re in, the activity that they are using, and also your case, sessions and any individual clients, group clients and support people. It will just give it to you in a table form as well for that one.

The ‘Demographics’ sheet is a really good one. With this sheet you can see your age groups for your clients. So if you do as you can see this one is are a few that 105 and over, so that might be a bit of something you can look at and why have we got that in our organisation? See why we got people that are over hundred and five years old? You can go back and rectify any of the data issues if you like.

If we select one here, so let’s select 45 to 49. It will then break that down from 45, 6, 7, 8 , 9 etc. You’ll see up the top bar that it holds the are filters that we’ve applied. Those filters will apply throughout the whole report. It doesn’t matter which sheet you go to, it will apply those filters to it. If we go to a sheet that doesn’t look quite right, it might be because you have one of those filters turned on, so you might just need to go just one of those filters off to get the right data.

All the reports work in a very similar way. We do use one platform for all these reports so they do work in a very similar way. What I’ll do is I’ll just show you some of the functions of this report. Up in the right-hand side you’ll see we’ve got an option called ‘Stories’. You can create a story for these. We can just hover over one of the graphs and you’ll see on the right-hand side there is a camera, we can select this and take a snapshot, we select that. We can put in a description and I’ll just call this one VMA and we can save that, and I might grab another one down the bottom. I’ll just grab the individual clients and support persons. So I’ll take another snapshot of that and I’ll just call that VMA 2 and save. Now what I can then do is come up to my storyboard which is up in the top right-hand corner select that, come over and create a new story and we’ll go ‘VMA web’ and you can put a description if you wish. To save that, just click outside and it is saved. Then we can go back into it and this is where we can then create our storyboard.

To create the storyboard over on the right-hand side, running down the page, you will see it says ‘Snapshot library’. You can see that we have the two that we’ve created. We just click and drag those, and you can put them anywhere you want to. You can make them bigger or smaller. We might grab another and put that at the top, we’ll just make that a bit smaller. You can then also give it a title if you wish. Just click and drag. You can change the effects, there are a lot of things you can do in here. So it’s really good just go in and have a play and see how you go. You can convert this to PDF or you can run it as a PowerPoint presentation. If you just go over to the right-hand side, there is a little green ‘Play’ button and you can play story etc. That’s another really good feature you can use as well.

We also have one that’s called ‘bookmarking’. What we can do is we can bookmark these pages. What I am going to do, is I’m just going to bookmark this page. What we do is come up to the right-hand side again up the top. Select ‘bookmark’, ‘create a new bookmark’ and give it a title and then just click outside and that bookmark’s there. I can then come back in, say, a couple days later and go back to my bookmarks. Select it, it will automatically as you can see apply those straightaway. It’s a really handy hint. If you have done a lot of filtering and figuring out and you can’t remember where you were, just a really good one as well.

You can also export the data through this. So exporting the data is another really handy one. So when you export can just hover over and you just right click, and you can export the data to as an image, a PDF or you can exported to an Excel as well if you wish. So with saying that, your bookmarks and your storyboard; with your bookmarks, it will automatically update the data. So if you come back in two week’s time and your data has changed, it will automatically update it. However, your storyboard doesn’t update the data automatically, so that’s just one of those things that you do use those, just to bear those in mind. So that is just a quick overview of the Organisation report.

I’m now just going to the next one which is the Data Quality report. As I said before this report is a report that will help you highlight any data quality issues and to assist organisations to improve and maintain the data quality. This report here has eight sheets, so we have the main page which is ‘Data Quality Health Check’, your ‘Statistical Linkage Keys’, so that is the SLK sheet. ‘Demographics’, ‘Not Stated’, ‘Unidentified Group Clients’,  ‘‘Not Stated’ Details’, ‘Date of Birth Details’, ‘Unidentified Client Details’, and an’ Information page’. All the reports do have an Information page. If you select the Information page, it will show you a ‘Glossary of Terms’, what they are meaning, definitions of what with we are talking about within the reports, and also a couple of hyperlinks. One to our Policy guidance framework and the Protocols document as well. You can have a look through those Information pages and etc.

Also down the bottom on the left-hand side you will see there’s a ‘Data updated on’. So this data was update on 23 March. We know this is old data, this is the training environment. So just be aware of that to make sure that it is current if it’s not contact the Data Exchange Helpdesk and I’ll be able to point you in the right direction to make sure what is going on with your report.

So will do is will just go back to the ‘Data Quality Check’ main page. So this is just the overview page, so this will show you in aggregate form the clients with low SLKs within the last six months, that’s within your last reporting period. It will show you clients with low quality SLKs, if you have’ Not Stated’ demographics within the last six months and also any Unidentified or group clients. It will show that as well for each of the reporting periods. You can click into any of these, same as last the report and it will automatically adjust the report to show you that as well. 

You can then go through your Statistical Linkage Key and have a look at that as well. You can see here it shows you the right-hand side by outlet. So you can have a look at your outlets and see how they’re performing, to see if they are missing any SLKs, if they are not quite correct. You can then go down to the bottom and it will show you on the left-hand side which ones with an estimated date of birth missing, first or last name, unknown gender, or clients with a pseudonym. You can go through and just have a look and correct your data if required.

Now every page also has a bit of an information page, so ‘Why is this important?’. You can select the hyperlink and that will take you to one of the task cards and it will explain it in more detail why this page is important.

So we can go through the page and you can see ‘Unidentified ‘Group’ clients’, how they’re performing. ‘Sessions where a sole attendee was unidentified’, so there was only one person but that they will put down as unidentified. So it would be why they were put down as unidentified? The same thing you go through your outlets and just have a look how your outlets are performing against each other.

I will now just go to the next report which will be the Community Profiles report. Now this Community Profiles report has no Data Exchange data in it. This all comes from other data sources. So this report has 13 sheets, this report has a Data Source page. If we select the ‘Data Source’ page it will show you where we got the information from. So for instance with ‘Community Participation and Networks’, we got the information from the Public Health Information Development Unit. This was based on the ABS statistics in 2014.

So this report gets updated on a regular basis. Once we have the information available to us, we will then upload that into this report. Everything here is public facing data, so it’s available to everybody, but we’ve just put it into one easy report, so it just makes it easier for everyone to get to.

I will go to the front page which is ‘What are you interested in?’  With this page you can select the ‘State’, you can select the ‘SA3’ level. So the Statistical Area 3 or an ‘SA2’ level. So depending on how the data was collected, it will only allow you to get down to that area. So if it was only collected at a SA3 level, you’ll only get it at an SA3 level. We’ve got on the right-hand side some quick statistics for you and also down the bottom of the right-hand side where the data came from. So the data on this was from the 2011 Census data. Once the latest census data is available to us, we will then upload this as well to make it more up-to-date.

We can then go through each of these if you want too or you can select one that you are interested in. We can just go to ‘Community Participation and Networks’ sheet and in your area had the following performance. In 2014, an estimated 91percent of people were able to get support in time of crisis that that’s really good. I should also let you know that this report is actually live data that this is not from our training data. This is all live data.

What we can see here as we can see sort of a dial or horseshoe that has two different colours. We’ve got a purple and a light blue. Where purple and the light blue meet, that is the national average, and then where the black dial is that’s where that area (or community) is sitting at. I might just scroll this down a little bit and go to New South Wales for this presentation. We can go back to Community Participation, so you can see the dial has changed slightly. You can see that we’re now just below the national average. You can see that ‘People who volunteered with an organisation’ at 15 years and over in 2011 at anSA3 level, was just below the national average in New South Wales.

And you can also see on the right-hand side ‘People who had difficulty getting to services with transport’ and that is that the 18 years and over and that was in 2014 at the SA3 level. So you can see that’s just above the national average. You can see that within New South Wales, some people did have difficulty in getting to services with transport. This report can help organisations find out why some people aren’t getting to our services or they may be running late or not attending for instance. It’s a really good report to help you with those things as well.

Also all the sheets that on here say the ‘Physical Health’, ‘Mental Health’, ‘Personal and Family Safety’, etc., they all are line up with the SCORE report or the Client Outcomes report. So they line up with those within there.

The next report that I will show you is the Client Outcomes report. There is a lot on this page. We have the ‘Number of clients with sessions’ and we also have a percentage and a number of clients that have been assessed and also ‘Clients only partially assessed’. The ‘clients only partially assessed’, they are clients that have had a pre-SCORE or a post-SCORE attached to them and the ‘Clients assessed’ are clients that have had both.

Over on the right hand side, we have ‘Circumstances’, ‘Goals’ and ‘Satisfaction’. We have the ‘Number of clients assessed for each’ and also ‘Clients with an overall positive outcome’ with those. Now, you’ll notice that the numbers, so the 1,642, 1,597 and the 1,727 don’t add up to the number of ‘Clients assessed’ or clients with sessions. That is because clients can have assessments across multiple domains or multiple areas, such as they might have one in regards to training and another one in regards to housing, so they can have multiple domains being assessed at one time.

Like other reports, we can filter and go through our ‘sheets’ and with our sheets, I will just now go to ‘Circumstances: Change in SCORE’. We have ‘Clients with an overall positive Circumstance’ so 65.8 percent had a positive, 27 percent of clients had a neutral and 6.5 percent had a negative. Now negative doesn’t mean that the program is not working for the client. With SCORE we know that we all have a bad day every now and again and it is also where when we are assessing a client, it is at that point in time. When they first arrive they might be in crisis, etc. and then time passes and we then assess the client again, we can then see that the client has improved. However, life happens and things do happen to all of us in life and a client may slip every now and again. It doesn’t mean that it is a bad thing, it just helps us with our programs to ensure that we are going on the right track and that the program is working for the client.

With this report, you can see that we have on the right-hand side, the ‘Average change in Circumstance’ so that is from a pre to a post-SCORE and we can see that it is nearly one, so that is moving in a positive direction. That is really good for these clients in this organisation. The ‘Number of clients with paired Circumstance domains’ this is where clients have been matched with the same (domains), like for like. We also have the ‘Number of paired Circumstance domains’.  This will not match the other side as this one on the right-hand side, the paired, means that they have more than one domains being assessed.

The ‘Circumstance: Percentage of clients with an overall positive outcome across outlets’ this one is an interactive sheet as well. This map will give you all your outlets in a bubble and as these are all fictional they have been named outlet 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, etc. What you can see is how your outlets are performing against each other. The bigger the bubble means that they have more clients within them and more clients that are being assessed. The smaller the bubble means less clients within them so less clients being assessed. You can then select any of these (outlets) and you can see that the graph has changed and how they are going.

On the bottom left-hand side, we can see the “Clients with paired Circumstance SCOREs for each domain’. It will show you the domains that are being recorded, so we can see that ‘Family functioning’ is right up the top so this organisation is dealing a lot with ‘Family functioning’ and ‘Mental health, wellbeing and self-care’. If there is one (domain) that isn’t there that should be being used, then that is something that can be discussed with that outlet and you find out what is going on with them in that respect. The outlets will also give you the ‘Activity’ and also the ‘Number of clients’, etc. so you can see how they are performing against each other.

The next one is “Goal: Change in SCORE over time’ and you can see how your clients are going over time and over multiple reporting periods. It looks very similar to the last one, it’s just how they are going in their goals.

We also have here the same as before, this will show you in the bubble format of how they are going within their goals as well.

We now have the ‘Satisfaction’ sheet, so how your clients are satisfied over the time and with a positive satisfaction SCORE. This one is a really good report to see how your clients are going with your organisation.

You can see your ‘Client demographics’ as well, so where your clients are coming from and which ones are being assessed. We can see here clients with sessions (blue columns) and the clients that are being assessed are the red diamonds in here. This sheet gives you the ‘Gender’, the ‘CALD status’, the ‘Disability status’ and your ‘Indigenous status’ as well. So this is another good report to look at.

Publishers note: Please be aware that this recording has a silent pause from 47:43 minutes to 49:16 minutes.

Okay thank you very much for patience there I really appreciate it. They are all the reports that are available to organisations within the Data Exchange. Where can you get help in regards to any of these reports?

The first point of contact for assistance would be your funding agreement manager. They’ll be able to assist you in providing guidance on issues in regards to data entry, staff absences, or even your grant variation etc. Bear in mind, if you do want to opt into the Partnership Approach just to let your funding agreement manager know, they can put that in a variation of your grant. Once you’ve told them you can then just go in and then start entering that extra data you don’t have to wait for that to be signed off, etc. They’ll also be able to discuss with you any milestone or Key Performance Indicator (KPI’s) concerns that you may have within the Data Exchange.

The next one would be your IT vendor or specialist. If you are using one of the other upload methods such as system-to-system or the bulk upload and you are having some issues uploading the data, speak to your IT vendor first and they may need to do a review to some of the coding for your client management system to the Data Exchange.

Also the last one would be to also speak to our Helpdesk. They will be able to assist you with other technical issues and they will also be able to provide you with the sandpit environment for your IT vendor to log into so they can test and ensure that the data that you are uploading is of high quality and doesn’t have any errors in it.

We also have the Data Exchange website. If you go to your Internet and just type in DEX website or DSS, you will then be able to login and you will find our webpage there. There you will be able to find our training environment and you will also see all our training material, our policy support material. I strongly encourage you to subscribe to our website so that you don’t miss out on any of the latest Data Exchange news. We don’t spam you. All we do is, if there is an update coming through, or any enhancements that may be coming up, we just send you through to start a bit of an information page just to let you know what’s going on in the Data Exchange world. You may also like to look at the Protocols document and Appendix B as well within the Data Exchange.

For more information, as we said before go to our website or the Data Exchange Helpdesk and their phone number there is on the screen and also their email address. As I said before, subscribe to keep up to date with some of those.

We might do is might just go through some of the questions that have been coming through. We do have a bit more time left, so we might go through some of these questions and see how we go.

Publishers note: Please be aware that this recording has a silent pause from 53:19 minutes to 54:56 minutes.

We will just do a bit of a recap on some of the reports. So I’ll just go back through the reports here. What we have is the two reports, the Organisation Overview report and the Organisation Data Quality report. Those two reports are available to all organisations. If you are in the Partnership Approach, you still get these two reports and if you’re not in the Partnership Approach you still get these reports as well.

If you are in the Partnership Approach you just get these extra four reports as well. That is just a bit of information there you are entering in extra information, you do see those extra reports through that as well. The Organisation Overview report shows how your organisation is going with entering in the data. It shows how many clients you have within your organisation. It gives you the sessions, session attendance and it go through all that, etc. I might just go back to the Organisation Overview report and just show you a few extra details in that report.

What we can also see here is your ‘Outlets’. If you do have multiple outlets, you can see where they are within the report. So you can see here we have are in New South Wales for instance, this fictional organisation that it has one outlet NSW. It will show you the ‘Individual client attendance’ and it will also show you the ‘Group client attendance’ as well and the ‘Sessions’ within there.

It will put it into a table format for you as well and you can see how each outlet within that State is performing against each other as well and the breakdown of ‘Individual clients’, ‘Group clients’ and if there are any ‘Support persons’ in there as well.

You can also run through and see how their demographics are going. The demographics within the organisation. If you have filtered down just to one outlet, you will be other than to see how that outlet is going and making sure that they are entering data in correctly and not putting people that are over 105 years old etc. within there.

It will also give you a breakdown of the ‘Indigenous status’. Now these are interactive, so if I was to select ‘Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander’ as you can see the map has changed. Another really good one is if I go to the ‘Demographics CALD’ information you can see here the ‘Country of birth’. What I can select is if it’s ‘Other’ which is the grey area. I can select ‘Other’ and it will then give me the other countries of birth. The same within the ‘Other’ at ‘Main language spoken at home’. So you can really drill down and see how many clients are coming to you from other countries of birth or different main languages spoken at home. You can really filter these down to find out how those cohorts are coming to you. This may be a really good report if you need to get an extra employee within the organisation who may need to speak Spanish or Greek. It does help you with those ones as well.

You can also see how the’ Activities’ are going. With the ‘Clients and support persons by sessions and activities’, you can see these ones only have got activities here but that would be VMA for instance, so you can see how that is performing. You can then just filter that and go through that as well if you wish.

As we said before, the more data you do put into the Data Exchange, the more data that you get out. If you do put in ‘not stated’ that is a bit of a lost opportunity especially around the demographics area because we are then capturing the full list of what is going on within the organisations or even within the those programs.

Publishers note: Please be aware that this recording has a silent pause from 1:01:19 minutes to 1:02:16 minutes.

We did have a question come through in regards to exporting, “when exporting, can you export the whole page or is it just the graph?” Unfortunately at the moment it is just the graph that you that you can export. So for instance if we are in the in this one here and then we want export this data, we can only export the one that I’ve clicked on. The only way that you would be able to do all of them is obviously just do a print screen.

Publishers note: Please be aware that this recording has a silent pause from 1:03:09 minutes to 1:03:51 minutes.

We might go through and do a bit of a recap on the Data Exchange. I’m now on our Data Exchange main webpage. Running across the top of the screen, we do have a couple of tabs so we have our ‘Home’ tab, we have our ‘About’, that gives you a little bit about what the Data Exchange is. We have a ‘Policy guidance’ tab, where you will find our Framework and also our Protocols and scrolling down the page is that bit of information about the Importance of data quality.

We also have our ‘IT access’ tab. This is where you would get information so your User access request form, any technical specifications that you need to send to your IT vendors. If you are doing system-to-system or bulk uploads; these are the two specification sheets that you would send to them.

We also have our ‘Training resources’ tab. Within here we have all our task cards, all our e-learning modules, it gives you information on how to read the report and any of the enhancements that may be coming up.

We also have our ‘Self-Service reports’ tab. This gives you a little bit more information on the standard report, what they are, and also the partnership reporting as well. Any supporting information is here and all the task cards that relate to what we have just gone through. So navigation, how to filter, taking snapshots, exporting any news stories that you do, exporting data are in all through in there.

We also have at the bottom of the page links to the webinars that we have in our ‘Webinar Library’. So this webinar will be posted in the Webinar Library and you can go in there and have a look at any of the past webinars etc.

We then have our ‘Helpdesk’ page. This is where you can then see the Helpdesk phone numbers, if your IT vendor’s do need to contact us, there is the Developer Support Helpdesk and they will be asked able to ask any of those really IT high-tech questions throughout there as well.

So going back to the Homepage and see running down the right-hand side where you’ll be able to ‘Login’, our ‘Webinar library’. If there is any training coming up, you can select that (in the Find training button) to find the training. We have our ‘Subscribe’ button as well and if you want leave any feedback you can do this here as well.

Down the bottom you can see if there’s any ‘Notifications’ so if the system is down for maintenance that will be coming up on the ‘Notification’ page. Any updates that are coming through, so ‘Latest Updates’ we do have system enhancements coming up in August. We will be running a webinar tomorrow, so you might want to have a look at that webinar and see if there’s any enhancements that will be coming up for the Data Exchange. We also have our ‘Top 5 Helpful Resources’ so that’s the access form, the Protocols, and the specifications, and our Translation Matrix is in there as well.

That comes to the end of the webinar today, so I’d like to thank you for joining today.


This webinar provides an introduction to the Data Exchange reports for the Volunteer Management Activity program.

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